The Greece Chapter of the
The Vascular Birthmarks Foundation

Dr. Linda Rozell-Shannon, PhD President and Founder

VBF Global Ambassador Awareness Video Project

What is the most profound thing anyone has ever said to you or a loved one about your vascular birthmark, anomaly or syndrome?

Scott Cupples and his army of VBF Ambassadors need your help sharing this video in every corner of the world as they raise awareness for our Global Ambassador Month of Awareness. Choose VBF this giving season and join our VBF Ambassadors so we can continue to make a difference world-wide.


Watch & hit share now for VBF Global Ambassador Month of Awareness. Share your story and help raise awareness by commenting with the most profound thing said to you or a loved one about your vascular birthmark!


Your donation today helps VBF give hope worldwide. Choose the VBF Families this giving season. Every contribution helps VBF make a difference.